A few words about me
purpose and approach
do no harm , promote and showcase local nature
Right under our noses there are often amazing species of wildlife. Common species as well as those less common. Sometimes they are hidden among wild thickets or in swamps. At other times in forests or even residential areas.
I conclude that everyone acting locally, realizing the treasures beyond the fence, can make better decisions for themselves and nature at the same time.
I started photographing nature while still in high school. Back then, not many people were into it and the equipment was completely different and less available than today. The turning point for me was my first encounter with a beaver, which took place in the middle of a mountain section of the San River.
The beaver then swam slowly right by my feet and left such a strong impression that since then Beavers have been the species I seek out and observe the most. They are also a very family-oriented species with a huge positive impact on other animals and plants, and completely underestimated in terms of water retention and flood prevention.
I am always very open to sharing my photos, videos or sound recordings for educational purposes or other forms of promoting nature and conservation. I also happen to go out to children and young people with lectures.
As a member of the Union of Polish Wildlife Photographers, I place great emphasis on ethics when photographing animals and nature. This is an extremely important aspect for me and I consider it fundamental that the animal should not be aware of our presence and that we should not influence its behavior in any way. Any form of feeding or baiting of animals for the purpose of photography or film is unacceptable to me and is not present in any of my work.
Similarly, when it comes to photo processing, it is minimal limited to fine-tuning such parameters as white balance, shadows, contrasts, lights. I never remove or paste elements in my photos.
I support organizations such as the Our Beaver Association, working on behalf of beavers in Poland, and encourage you to actively follow their activities.
photos, videos and sounds
I feel most strongly about photography, but lately I've been trying to capture more and more amazing situations of the natural world on film.
The next step in this regard was to enter the world of sound itself,
where, as an amateur instrument player, I saw the need to expand this aspect a bit.
presentations on
All works presented on the site are of my authorship and are copyrighted and may not be used without the author's permission.
You are cordially invited to contact me.